Learn More about Our Hypnosis Services in Indianapolis and Surrounding Areas
Enlightened Steps and hypnotist Kelei Baker Leak specializes in hypnosis and provides an array of different hypnosis services in Indianapolis, Kokomo, Fishers, Carmel, Zionsville, and throughout Central Indiana. We also offer house calls for a small travel fee, as well as video sessions through Skype and Zoom. Hypnosis and life coaching with our skilled and certified hypnotist, life coach and business consultant Kelei can address a number of issues such as stress, anxiety, fear and phobias, addictions, extreme emotions, chronic pain, headaches, and much more.
Enlightened Steps’ also offers life coaching skills to support the changes you are implementing and business consulting to assist with new, innovative ways to move past your specific business barriers. Unlike many other hypnosis services in Indianapolis, we offer a modality known as as hypno-coaching which is a combination of hypnosis and life coaching. This method exposes you to a quick and effective approach that helps you achieve your goals while staying focused.
What Is Hypnosis?
Everyone goes into hypnosis from time to time without being aware of it. While driving, have you ever reached your destination and then can’t recall any details of driving there? This is an example of highway hypnosis. Ever daydreamed during a meeting and then wondered how long you’ve been disconnected? Or watched commercials on TV, yet you are not engaged or paying attention? In all those instances, you were in a state of hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a normal and natural state that we retreat to so that we can shut down all of the extra areas of constant communication and activity going on in our world today, such as phone calls and texting, email and instant messaging, web surfing, meetings, TV, radio, digital news, newspapers, social media, networking, dating; you get the point. We are inundated with interactions and information. Our brains can and do check out from time to time. We are functioning but not at our full alert capacity.

About Our Hypno-Coaching Sessions
The first session is usually 2 hours followed by hour sessions after that until you feel you are where you want to be. I follow up with you once during the week after every session to check on your progress. Please realize that every person is different, some people can experience changes much quicker and other people require more time for work on other areas for change. My goal is to assist you in getting to your desired place as quickly as you can.
To start the process of hypno-coaching, our hypnotist Kelei Baker Leak assesses your requests during a free 20 minute consultation call. During the consultation, we get to know each other and what you, the client, is focused on creating. Within the framework of the call you determine if you feel comfortable with Kelei and you get to ask questions to better understand all that we offer. If you wish to proceed, we set the first appointment. We recommend a 2-hour first session in order to reap all the benefits of hypno-coaching. If a 2-hour session is not feasible due to budget restraints, we understand and recommend that you set a 1-hour first session instead.
After first assessing you and determining what modality is best for your needs, we utilize several tools during your session that we work with in addition to life coaching, including Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), Kinetic Shift (KS), Intuitive Counseling, and Integrative Addictions Solutions.
Everyone is different; some people may only need one hypno-coaching session while others may feel they need more sessions.
Book a session now if you are interested in Enlightened Steps’ hypnosis services.
How We Can Help
Enlightened Steps and Kelei can help you in many areas of your life, using our traditional and non-traditional methods and modalities.

Career Management
Our life coach and consultation Kelei specializes in crisis management, personal transformation management, as well as business management for large corporate structures and small business models.

Creating Joy
Enlightened steps assists you in clearing blocks and fears to open you up, allowing you to discover what you want to implement in your life to bring more joy into everyday living! We strive to create joy within, create joy for those living with cancer, create joy at your workplace and overall to help you find joy in living.

Fascinating Journeys
Are you the more adventurous, curious person who wants to explore the mind or retrieve memories? Are you working through an event or issue you can’t explain? Are you healing past experiences? If yes, this type of hypnosis is for you. Kelei is a seasoned facilitator of past life regression work helping you heal what needs healed and finding the karmic threads that lead to this life to bring new light to what you are working on right now.
We can explore:
- Age regression
- Alien encounter memory recovery
- Creativity
- Intuitive skills
- Mantras
- Meditation
- Near death experience
- Memory recovery
- Past life regression

Fears & Phobias
Our hypnotist Kelei assists you in getting rid of unreasonable fears and phobias. Anything the mind can create we can remove.
Let us remove:
- Actor performance fears
- Fear of doctors
- Fear of elevators or small spaces
- Fear of flying
- Fear of needles
- Fear of public speaking
- Fear of test taking
- Musician performance fears
- Phobias
- Sports performance fears

Health & Wellness
Enlightened Steps assists people who are focused in these areas to move away from habits that are not supporting your desire to be healthy. Together we delve into why you do what you do and then help you set the desired plan to achieve your desired change, with coaching provided throughout your plan to ensure success. We also partner with your doctors and counselors to ensure a team approach.
Let us help you with:
- Addiction solutions
- Depression
- Destructive habits
- Eating disorders
- Grief resolution
- Healing after surgery
- Hospice coping
- Hospice pain management
- Migraines
- Pain management
- Preparing for surgery
- Terminal illness
- Sleep disorders
- Smoking cessation
- Weight management – loss or gain

Life Changing Events
Life happens and it can hit you hard. Sometimes you need solid council, and sometimes you are in a panicked state that creates exhaustion. Enlightened Steps calls this state “busy brain” which means you are looping with worry, over thinking, and experiencing repetitive thoughts that keep you caught up in fear. You may feel full of fear and paralyzed to do anything, or do everything but find yourself exhausted and burned out. You can also stop moving forward choosing to play it safe leaving you feeling as if you are dying on the inside. We can help you find your balance again, hear your own voice, and find your own way through or to whatever you want your next steps to be.
Some life changing events we can address with you include:
- Accident memory recovery
- Adoption
- Bankruptcy & finances
- Career burnout
- Childbirth
- Choosing a new career
- Divorce
- Going to college & going back to college
- Marriage & relationships
- New employment
- Parenting
- Pregnancy
- Retirement
- Stress
- Work environment

Mental Wellness
What if you decided that you wanted to push past a label you created for yourself, such as feelings of insecurity, worthlessness, or shame? What have you got to lose if there are no side effects and everything to gain? What if you were loving, accepting, and kind to yourself? How would the world look to you then?
Some mental blocks we can help you with are:
- Anxiety & stress
- Body image
- Crafting a new life
- Depression
- Developing friendships
- Insecurity
- Sadness
- Self confidence, self image, & self worth
- Shame
- Shyness
- Tourette’s syndrome

Sports & Creative Performance Enhancement
Professional athletes and artists utilize hypnosis to improve performance, along with several other techniques Enlightened Steps offers. We have worked with athletes that have improved their swim strokes, golf swing strokes, and cut seconds off their distance running by using their minds more effectively. Are you ready to set your mind to a winning attitude instead of focusing on the struggle or on your weak points? We can help musicians calm stage frights; you can finally enjoy your performances instead of experiencing the debilitating fear of failure. Step into your gifts fully, free yourself from fear and create calm in what you love to do!
We can assist:
- Any type of athlete: (basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, track and field, weightlifting, swimming, diving, bowling, lacrosse, cricket, race car driving, working out)
- Actors (auditioning, reading, enunciating, sweating, spitting, memorization, rehearsals, stage fright, confidence, breathing, enjoyment of what you do)
- Musicians (auditioning, rehearsals, practicing, intonation, memorization, dynamics, stage fright, confidence, breathing, connection with the audience, enjoyment of what you do)
- Speakers (auditioning, rehearsals, practicing, breathing, enunciating, memorization, stage fright, dry mouth, connection with the audience, enjoyment of what you do)